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Morning sickness is a common and uncomfortable symptom of pregnancy. Although it’s called morning sickness it can occur at anytime in the day. I used to get mine right before dinnertime. Nothing is fun about feeling nauseous and vomiting. Some women are lucky to not experience this common symptom and others range from having mild symptoms to experiencing for the duration of the pregnancy. This post will share with you how to treat morning sickness naturally!

Treat Morning Sickness Naturally

1. Get some Rescue Remedy from Bach Flower Remedies (where to buy). This is an over-the-counter flower essence. (Note: it does have a tiny bit of alcohol.) You can put a few drops under your tongue, or place on your wrists. (To find the sweet spot on your wrist, measure 3 fingers up from wrist, palm-side of hand up. There, you’ll feel a small dent … Place there and push slightly for 10 counts. This acupressure point is for nausea. Or you can put a few drops on a warm, damp towel or rub a few drops on your belly.

2. Get acupuncture treatments. These treatments were very helpful in helping to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy, including morning sickness.

3. Eat 5 to 6 small, frequent meals every few hours throughout the day. Make sure to have a balance of carbs and protein to maintain blood sugar. It’s best to have snacks on hand to ensure that you don’t go too long without food when you are on the go.

4. Go for a walk or enjoy some mild exercise to relieve hormonal activity. Yoga is another great way to get exercise, prepare the body for labor and also to alleviate morning sickness naturally.

 5. Vitamin B-6, taken as 25 mg every 8 hours, has been shown to have a significant effect in reducing or stopping nausea and vomiting.
6. Increase B-complex vitamins and iron intake. (Use a food based B-complex like Rainbow Light, and for iron I love the Floridex Liquid Iron Formula. It’s all food-based and non constipating … good to take extra through entire pregnancy.)
7. Take zinc supplements, 25 mg per day in addition to your prenatal vitamin.
8. Sip on some raspberry leaf, peppermint, or chamomile tea.

9. Cure morning sickness naturally with Oil pulling. Not only will oil pulling be helpful for oral health during pregnancy, but it has also been successful in alleviating morning sickness.

10. Last but not least, Essential Oils! These can help with many different pregnancy symptoms and are a great non-toxic, chemical free way to alleviate discomforts without resorting to OTC or Rx meds. I recommend using therapeutic grade essential oils. You can learn how to order them here. Make your own belly rub! You can use Peppermint, Ginger, Spearmint or Patchouli just to name a few! Place on a warm, damp towel, and rub your belly.

Want to learn how to alleviate other pregnancy discomforts naturally? Checkout my book Yogi Mami’s Guide to an Easier Pregnancy and Labor on Amazon or if you are looking for a natural and holistic approach to labor preparation checkout my Mindful Birthing Online Course. I would love to guide you on you’re pregnancy journey!



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Victoria is a widow, mother, author, and wellness ambassador with a vision to create a brighter tomorrow, today. Harnessing her extensive background in yoga and education in Aromatherapy, Mindful Nutrition, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and an array of other health modalities, she has made it her purpose to educate other families on the importance of healthy living as well as mind, body, and soul balance.