The holidays are quickly approaching! I can’t believe how fast this year went by and that the holiday season is already here again. To provide inspiration for the holidays, here are my favorite gift ideas that any healthy minded person is sure to love!
Holiday Gift Guide for Healthy Minded People
Instant Pot – This is the perfect gift for anyone who loves to cook and even for anyone who wants to cook but has to. This has been such a life saver for me on busy nights. It’s basically a crock pot on steroids. There are so many recipes available on Pinterest that you will always have something simple and easy to whip up that your family will love! loaded with awesome Checkout my Pinterest board loaded with awesome Instant Pot recipe ideas. Here is the IP that I use and love!
Vitamix – This is one of my favorite kitchen gadgets that I use to make lots of healthy recipes for my family. Everything from delicious smoothies to nut butter to nutritious soups. This is one of the best high-powered blenders available on the market and makes an amazing gift! Click here to see what I use.
Non-Toxic Cookware – Did you know that non-stick cookware is toxic? It’s true, you can read more about that here. Cast Iron cookware is my choice and it makes a great holiday gift! Click here to see my favorite cookware, it’s non toxic, and they have lots of beautiful colors to choose from to match your kitchen decor colors.
Pure Water Filter – Our water contains many toxins and key part of health and wellness is having access to fresh water. Unfortunately, many conventional water filters are a waste of time and money because they only get out a fraction of the toxins. Here is a link to what we have, it makes an excellent gift, we bought one for my in laws for Christmas a couple years back and they LOVE it!
Essential Oils & Diffuser – Essential oils are trending right now, but not all oils are created equal. Before you make a purchase learn how to stop wasting your money on Essential Oils here. Hands down the BEST deal is this kit for only $160! You get a diffuser and eleven 5ml bottles of the best oils for everyday use! You can buy this kit, keep the diffuser for yourself and gift out some of the oils, or better yet, make super awesome handmade gifts that everyone will love! You can make gift for neighbors, coworkers, friends and family that will keep you on budget, and take just minutes to put together! You can get the awesome ideas here in this post for healthy handmade gifts. Click here to order Essential Oils.
Thieves Anything – Have you heard of Thieves yet? Basically it’s a blend of essential oils with lots of benefits, specifically immune support, and they make lots of products with it. These products are not only toxin free and wellness boosting, but it smells AH-MA-ZING! The best bang for your buck is to purchase this Thieves Kit that is loaded with all the Thieves Products and you can keep some for yourself and/or split up the items and gift different items to different people. Click here to order the Thieves Kit.
CBD Products – CBD is another health product getting a lot of attention for it’s multiple health benefits, which you can read about here. There are lots of health related products that you can get that make great stocking stuffers or that you can make healthy gift baskets with. You can learn more about my favorite company and it’s products here. Use code YogiMami for an extra 10% off
Toxin Free Makeup – What girl or lady doesn’t love to look and feel beautiful? Give the gift of healthy beauty with this AMAZING Toxin Free Makeup that I absolutely love! Sadly conventional makeup is loaded with toxins that negatively effect our endocrine system and impact our health. You can learn more about the toxins hidden in makeup and personal products here. Luckily safe, non-toxic makeup is begin to trend. Click here to see my favorite company and brand that I use for myself and feel safe with my daughter using! This kit makes the perfect gift for any teenager, young woman or not so young woman who loves to feel beautiful!
Prana Mat ECO and Pillow – I was gifted this item by a friend and I absolutely LOVE it! It’s basically at home acupressure massage. It stimulates the production of endorphins, which bind to the μ-opioid receptors in the brain and are powerful, natural pain-killers. Endorphins also improve your sleep and make you feel happy. It helps alleviate things like pain, headaches, stress, cellulite, etc. Click here to order one and use code YOGIMAMI for an extra 10% off!