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There is no such thing as a perfect marriage, they all have their ups and downs and and some unfortunately don’t survive. I don’t consider myself an expert on marriage, but after over 10 years of marriage with my husband, and 13 together total and many peaks and valleys, I have learned a few things that have helped us to have a happy and healthy marriage. This article I will share with you my 5 tips for a happy marriage.

5 Tips for a Happy Marriage

1. Make each other a priority daily: It doesn’t have to be anything big. For us most of the time it’s spending some time after we put the kids to bed to chat and give each other reflexology foot massages while watching Ancient Aliens. This is also a great way to unwind before bed! I look forward to this special time each night. It’s important no matter how busy the schedule that both partners feel loved and important in each others lives. Carving out special time to spend with each other daily has been key in our marriage.

2. Date Each Other: Take yourself on little dates regularly. Again, this doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. You can try out a new restaurant in your neighborhood or go on a hike together. Try and remember what you used to do for fun when you first got together. Many times after years in a relationship we tend to forget all the fun things that brought us together in the first place. And this can be even more true after having kids! Taking time to date each other helps you to feel young and fresh again and keeps the loving feelings flowing.

3. Keep it Sexy: Sex is so important for adult bonding. Here are some tips to spice up improve your sex drive and keep you loving on each other a little more! Like my DIY Homemade Natural Lubricant recipe that is my most popular post on the blog! Or my Homemade Edible Whipped Love Butter recipe that is super fun to make too! Making sex a priority helps to make both parties happy!

4. Communicate with each other:  Holding in anger, resentment, fears, etc does nothing but fester and build problems. I’m the first to tell you what is on my mind and definitely wear my heart on my sleeve, but I know for many people this can be difficult. Speak up and tell each other what is on your mind, and this goes for speaking kindly to each other too. Make it a point to speak life into each other and remind each other how appreciative you are for what each other does for the relationship.

5. Ask the experts:  Seek out people that are successful in marriage and ask them questions – I am very lucky, I have had the best examples of love growing up. Both sets of grandparents were married for over 60 years, and most of my extended family has been in loving, beautiful marriages for decades! Ask others what their tips are for a happy marriage, and get ready to listen good! I have learned some great advice from listening to people who have been in long term marriages that had both it’s ups and downs. We reach out to mentors and experts when it comes to business and health, so why not when it comes to relationships.


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Victoria is a widow, mother, author, and wellness ambassador with a vision to create a brighter tomorrow, today. Harnessing her extensive background in yoga and education in Aromatherapy, Mindful Nutrition, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and an array of other health modalities, she has made it her purpose to educate other families on the importance of healthy living as well as mind, body, and soul balance.