The first quarter moon is when the moon appears half lit and occurs about a week after the new moon. It is considered the halfway point between the new moon and the full moon. In previous posts I have shared how the different moon phases affect us. This post will focus on how the first quarter moon affects us physically, mentally and emotionally.
How the Moon Phases Affect Us
The first quarter is considered the growth period of the moon cycle. The intentions that were set during the dark moon are beginning to take shape and during this time it is common to take on more than can be done. This is a great time to take classes or learn new skills that will help you to grow and accomplish your intentions and goals. It is also a great time to connect with God/Divine/Universe/Spirit to develop a deeper connection to ourselves and the world around us.
During the first quarter moon energy is more balanced than the other moon phases and energy increases during 10am and 2pm. It is common to feel emotionally balanced and more outgoing. Dreams tend to be more realistic and less symbolic during this phase and it is common to have prophetic dreams during this time. You may notice that you lose weight during this time and have an increased thirst and/or hunger.
Take it easy on yourself during this time, plans tend to develop easily, but we can often bite off more than we can chew so it is important to create a balance between taking action and overdoing it. This is a period for growth where we begin to see the fruits of the intentions we set during the new moon.
This phase is the most rational time for women. During this time logic is appealing and they are more interested in discussing issues. For men they tend to be more exocentric during this time. This is a great time for men to focus on their job or other mundanity because this period brings along the least emotion manifested.
If you are in tune with the lunar energy like I am you might want to check out this awesome book The 29 Day Moon Challenge (where to buy).