If you have been following my Moon Phase series I hope you enjoy it! If you need to get caught up you can check out the other posts here. This post will discuss how the Dark Moon phase affects us physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The dark moon is the phase when there is no solar reflection and the lunar face is in darkness. It last for a couple days blending in with the new moon until the crescent begins to appear.
How the Dark Moon Affects Us Physicially, Mentally and Emotionally
The dark moon phase is considered the most powerful phase psychically. During this time it is common for the mind to turn inward and become contemplative. This phase usually brings with it feelings of inertia and strong inward focus. Although sleep is usually good during this phase there is still a sense of sluggishness and inactivity. During the dark moon phase it is advised to begin to clear the mind and spirit to be able to receive what is to come.
During the dark moon our body tends to be less active than the other phases and metabolism slows down. It is possible to feel heavy and retain water during this time. Since this phase tends to be the most anti-social it is common to bring with it communication misunderstanding and arguing. Feeling are usually sensitive and easily hurt so approach with caution.
The dark moon phase is a powerful time for organic soul searching. It is considered a time to find solitude, listen to ourselves and begin to think about new intentions to set to seed when the New Moon comes into orbit. This phase brings with it stillness to allow us a chance to tune into our inner voice. Each dark moon cycle brings with it a chance for renewal and brings with it the perfect fertile ground for New Moon intentions to be planted.
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