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HoneyI love raw honey. It is a Superfood and has made my list of Medicine Cabinet Must Haves. According to Ayurvedic medicine raw honey is considered a medicine while heated honey is considered a slow poison. Honey in it’s natural form is complete with beneficial vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Honey that has been heated destroys the honey’s nutritional value and which creates cellular toxicity and and can lead to immune dysfunction. Most commercial honey has been processed and should be avoided completely. When purchasing raw honey it is important that it is labeled as Unfiltered, Unprocessed or Unpasteurized. Please talk to your doctor or pediatrician before you give honey to babies under the age of 1.

Health Benefits of Raw Honey

  • Prevents cancer and heart disease
  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Reduces Ulcers and GI Disorders
  • Prevents and treats cough and colds.
  • Prevents and treats osteoporosis
  • Reduces stress
  • Boosts energy
  • Treats insomnia
  • Improves immune system
  • Treats anemia
  • Eases arthritis pain
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Treats bladder infection
  • Reduce hyperactivity

Raw honey contains probiotics and is has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Because of it’s healing properties it makes an excellent addition to a medicine cabinet.

Medicinal Uses of Raw Honey

  • Heals wounds and burns
  • Treats Skin Infections
  • Cures Conjunctivitis
  • Treat nasal congestion
  • Treat migraines and headaches
  • Acts as a natural antibiotic
  • Treats sore throats

Other Uses for Raw Honey

Increases athletic performance– Ancient Olympic athletes would eat raw honey and dried figs to improve their performance. Recent studies show this is due to it’s ability to maintain glycogen levels and shorten recovery time.

Stop bedwetting– A teaspoon of raw honey before bed aids in water retention.

Get beautiful skin and hair- Apply raw honey to skin before bed to treat pimples and blackheads. Mix honey with equal parts coconut oil for a nourishing hair deep conditioner.

Where to Get Raw Honey

It is best to get local raw honey from either a Co-Op, Farmer’s Market or health food store. You can also purchase raw honey online but it won’t be local. Local raw honey helps to reduce seasonal allergies by making you naturally immune by providing necessary antibodies. We love raw honey in our house and I give my kids a small spoonful daily as a treat.


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Victoria is a widow, mother, author, and wellness ambassador with a vision to create a brighter tomorrow, today. Harnessing her extensive background in yoga and education in Aromatherapy, Mindful Nutrition, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and an array of other health modalities, she has made it her purpose to educate other families on the importance of healthy living as well as mind, body, and soul balance.

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