Most people know how important sleep is for our overall health and well-being, but did you know that there is an easy way to boost those benefits even more?! This trick is so simple, effective and costs absolutely nothing! All you have to do is sleep in the nude! Yep, that’s it! Sleeping naked has many health benefits that you might not be aware of. This post will share with you all about the health benefits of sleeping naked and why you might want to strongly consider ditching your PJ’s!
7 Health Benefits of Sleeping Naked
1. Promotes Healthy Weight
Research shows that you can actually reset your fat loss hormones by sleeping naked! Sleeping naked can help melt your fat because it helps your body to cool down naturally. As your body temperature cools down, it begins to release hormones that burn fat. These hormones also help to rebuild skin, bone and muscle cells while you sleep. As your body temperature naturally regulates so does your hormones, which is beneficial for overall health and wellness.
2. Promotes Relaxation
Are you feeling anxious or stressed? GET NAKED! A hectic day can often prevent you from getting that deep, quality sleep that your body needs. Sleeping naked can ease tension and help promote a better sleep quality. Research has shown that sleeping naked is good for people suffering from insomnia or other sleep disorders as it helps us to find the relaxation needed to sleep better.
3. Promotes Better Sleep
The body is programmed to naturally drop its temperature during sleep, and the process is necessary for good quality sleep. Thick pajamas can keep the body too warm and prevent you from finding an optimal body temperature. This can result in a night of tossing, turning and restlessness. Your skin works naturally with the rest of the body to cool down so you can easily drift off to sleep, while cozy clothes just make it harder for the body to do its job.
4. Regulates Cortisol
By helping the body to find that perfect sleep temperature, and stimulating growth hormone, cortisol will drop. In a healthy sleep cycle, between 10 p.m. – 2 a.m., cortisol is at its lowest. After 2 a.m. the levels of cortisol begins to rise and prepare for the upcoming day, levels usually reach a high point at about 6 a.m. If you don’t get enough sleep at night you will wake up to very high cortisol. When cortisol is abnormally high it increases your appetite, and causes cravings for comfort foods (cakes, cookies, muffins). It also causes overeating. To make matters worse it increases stress, tension and anxiety, which causes weight gain around the midsection. Sleeping naked is a simple way to help to promote a healthy body temperature while stimulating growth hormone and regulating cortisol in the body.
High cortisol can cause major damage in the body such as:
- Lowered immunity
- Abnormal blood sugar and a higher chance of diabetes.
- Increased blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Increased appetite and obesity
- Increased sugar cravings
- Adrenal fatigue
- Disrupted sleep patterns
- Low libido
- Fertility issues
- Thyroid disease
Lower levels of cortisol promote overall health and well-being and just one of the many health benefits of sleeping naked.
5. Promotes Youth and Beauty
Want to look and feel younger? The old adage “get your beauty rest” actually holds some truth. When the room temperature is no higher than 70 degrees during sleep it allows the anti-aging hormones, melatonin and growth hormone, to function properly. It is important to be comfortable at bedtime, but a sleep environment that is too warm can prevent the natural cooling that should take place in your body while you sleep. When the body cools down the hormone melatonin helps to regulate the body’s sleep/wake cycle, as well as work as an antioxidant. Additionally, that same cool-down stimulates the growth hormone. Growth hormone is important for supporting the body and is essentially better than Botox. While we sleep the growth hormone works to:
– Helps the body to function properly
– Strengthens and increases bone mineralization
– Increases muscle mass
– Increases protein synthesis
– Stimulates the growth of all internal organs excluding the brain
– Promotes healthy liver function
– Stimulates the immune system
6. Improves Circulation
When you strip down to your birthday suit your blood circulation improves. Elastic waistbands and form-fitting clothing can inhibit circulation. I’m not sure about you, but few things feel better at the end of the day than taking off your bra and changing out of constricting clothes, am I right ladies! There are plenty of moments when clothes are comfortable, however, their use still comes at a small price. Improved circulation in turn helps to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain and discomfort.
7. Boost Your Love Life!
When you are sleeping in the nude it tends to allow for many more opportunities to spark romance! The act of sleeping naked is simply sexy and appealing to your partner. That skin to skin feeling also makes you feel sexy. Skin on skin contact releases the hormone oxytocin which increases the feelings of comfort. Sleeping naked is also fun. What better way to end the day than to be skin to skin with your spouse? It is an intimate way to sleep and will make you feel closer to your partner. The skin to skin contact is a great way to get that intimate alone time that you cannot get anywhere else.
Who knew that there were so many health benefits of sleeping naked? I’ve been trying it out myself and I must say, I sleep so much better and have noticed some of the other benefits as well. Have you tried it yourself? Have you noticed any benefits?