Time to go Green! Here are 4 easy earth friendly alternatives that you can make to your lifestyle that are also very budget friendly! These alternatives are easy to do, cut back on environmental waste and help eliminate spending too.
4 Easy Earth Friendly Alternatives
1. Bamboo Paper towels (where to buy) – These are AWESOME! They are made of bamboo and are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper towels. One roll replaces 6-months worth of paper towels and they are machine washable and can be washed up to 100 times! They are a great way to save money on paper towels and also cut down on paper waste!
2. Making your own personal products – Many people think they don’t have time for to make their own products. During my local classes I demo making your own products and can easily do 5 different products in 5 minutes. (Working on getting a video uploaded soon!) Not only do you reduce your exposure to toxins in personal care products you also reduce waste from throwing out containers from store bought products. You can buy these handy dandy containers here and make your own personal care products.
3. Ditch your feminine products – I’m serious! Commercial tampons and pads are costly and contribute largely to environmental waste. I made the switch over a year and a half ago and my only regret so far was that I didn’t do it sooner. Especially when I started to learn of the health risks! There was a bit of an adjusting period at first, similar to how it felt when getting used to the monthly joys of womanhood.
4. Eco-Friendly Soap/Cleaners– Commercial soaps and cleaners are filled with dangerous chemicals which have been linked as carcinogens and have a harmful impact on both us and the environment. I made the change to upgrade our household cleaning products to something that is safe for my family and the earth. This powerful Thieves Cleaner is made from essential oils and can be used for laundry, dishes or to make all-purpose cleaner. without toxins. A little bit goes a long way and a capful is all you need to replace most of your cleaners. It can be used on glass, as a de-greaser, a stain remover, disinfectant, bathroom and kitchen cleaner, to kill mold and mildew, and even safe enough to use as a fruit and veggie wash since it doesn’t contain chemicals! It’s a great way to save money without having to sacrifice effectiveness. This is the first natural cleaner that my husband has liked. He couldn’t believe how well it worked and he is always the toughest critic when it comes to cleaning products. You can learn more about where to order Thieves Cleaner here.
If you are ready to up your crunchiness level and go green these 4 earth friendly alternatives might be just the change you need. They are fairly simple and have a big impact as far as reducing environmental and toxic waste. Making these changes are small steps that have a big effect on both personal health and environmental as well!