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Improve Eyesight Naturally


Did you know that there is a way to improve eyesight naturally? I didn’t until a little over a year ago. And the best part? It can be done for CHEAP! Yep, no need to spend money on expensive surgeries. With a few simple tricks you can strengthen your vision and improve eyesight. Sounds like a gimmick, right? Well, I promise you it’s not. This post will share with you how my husband and I have improved our eyesight naturally.

Eyes play such a huge role in our day to day life. Many people are prescribed glasses and contact lenses to help to see better, but few people know that there are ways to improve eyesight naturally. This post will share with you natural ways to improve your vision.

How to Improve Eyesight Naturally


As always, diet plays an important part in making sure our whole body functions properly. This also includes our eyes. Eating fresh, organic foods can help to improve eyesight naturally. Specific foods that help are red wine, dark chocolate, garlic, avocado, carrots, and eggs.

Eye Exercises:


If you use the computer, phone or television a lot then blinking is highly important. These electronic devices dry out the eyes and they begin to experience eyestrain. Regular blinking helps to keep them lubricated and can prevent eyestrain. It is important to make a conscious effort to blink often when looking at a screen.

Eye Yoga

Exercising the muscles around the eyes is a great way to strengthen the eyes. A simple technique can be done daily to keep the eye muscles strong and improve vision. Look up as high as you can. Imagine you could see your own eyebrows, or the top of the head. Then look all the way to the bottom as if you were trying to see your chin. Look all the way to the right as if you were trying to look behind you and then look all the way to the left. Next move your eyes in a figure 8.


Hold your thumb about 2 inches away from your face and focus on it, and then hold your thumb our as far as it will reach while looking at it. Do this a couple of times. Find an object close up, then focus on something far away. This is important to do during the day a couple of times if you work on the computer.

My husband and I began to do these exercises daily and I bought us a pair of these super cool pinhole glasses that we also wear during the day and notice a difference in our eyesight. (where to buy). You only need to wear them for about 15-20 minutes a day.

Want to learn more? Checkout this book by Relearning to See: Improve Your Eyesight Naturally! (where to buy)

Have you tried to improve your eyesight naturally? 

Improve Eyesight Naturally































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Victoria is a widow, mother, author, and wellness ambassador with a vision to create a brighter tomorrow, today. Harnessing her extensive background in yoga and education in Aromatherapy, Mindful Nutrition, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and an array of other health modalities, she has made it her purpose to educate other families on the importance of healthy living as well as mind, body, and soul balance.