Did you know that walking around barefoot provides therapeutic benefits? It’s true! Research has shown that this concept known as Earthing helps to combat the negative effects of electromagnetic pollution. Read more to learn the health benefits of earthing and why you should be doing it!
Health Benefits of Earthing
- Reduce Stress
- Reduce Inflammation
- Boost Immune System
- Balance the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
- Improve Heart Rate
- Improve Sleep Patterns
How to Practice Earthing
The easiest way to begin earthing to ground yourself is to just simply go outside, take off your shoes and walk around in the dirt, grass, sand or even concrete for about 10-20 minutes. That’s it! So easy! This technique allows your body to absorb the natural energy from the earth. If you prefer to wear shoes when walking outside around there are also grounding sandals that are available (where to buy), but barefoot is best. Many people are unaware but the earth contains powerful antioxidants known as free electrons which transfer through the skin. These electrons help to electronically neutralize the body, protect against free radicals and helps to maintain a healthy balance.
My Earthing Experience
I try to go out and earth everyday if possible, and living in Southern California I get plenty of opportunities. I notice that spending a lot of time on the computer for work tends to disconnect me. I feel out of sorts, stressed and overwhelmed. Earthing allows me to disconnect electronically and reconnect with nature and myself. On days when I feel especially drained I swear I can actually feel the energy coming up through my feet and into my body. I know it sounds weird, but hey, it wouldn’t be the first time I was called a crazy hippy!
To learn more about earthing this book (where to buy) is a great source with lots of useful information.
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