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Did you know that you have the power to create your destiny? That’s right, we all do! It’s made possible by Manifesting. Have you heard of it? It’s been something that I’ve been working on the past few years and am so excited to learn more and continue to apply it to my daily routine. I have recently gotten very serious about it and amazing things are happening. I can’t keep this secret any longer and I want to share with the world this amazing power we are all capable of!

What is Manifesting?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Manifesting means to make something tangible or readily perceived by the senses especially by sight. Manifesting is used to materialize our desires, goals & dreams that only take their forms in our minds. It is a way of empowering us to take charge of our lives instead of just leaving it to chance. Whatever you put your focus on will manifest, so if you are focusing on what you DON’T want you will begin to see that is what you will manifest. By changing the mindset and practicing ancient manifestation techniques you will begin to see your greatest dreams and desires manifesting before your eyes.

Why You Should be Manifesting

Our minds are very powerful tools, what you focus on expands. The untrained mind can wander into deep dark places and gets stuck in negative thinking vibrational patterns. The body’s vibration is an actual physical measurable frequency that relates to the depth and height of energy, emotion, and consciousness your body typically remains in throughout the day. The mind/body connection is the vehicle through which manifestation occurs. A person with a higher manifesting vibration will create their desires easier, faster and more effectively than someone who is experiencing a lower vibration level.

How to Manifest

1. Clear the mind– Find some quiet time and sit comfortably. Close your eyes and allow some time to focus on your breathe and just be. Inhaling light and energy and exhaling any negative thoughts, feelings and discomforts. Take a few moments of this breathing meditation to clear the mind before you begin manifesting. Focus on clearing blocks and releasing any feelings of disbelief that may be holding you back. The more you clean your thoughts and energy the more positive experiences you will attract into your life.

2. Focus on clear direct goals– It is important to be clear and intent on what you what so that you don’t manifest a lot of what you don’t want! When you clarify what you want you can begin to feel as if your dreams have already come true. That feeling is what makes the manifestation come into form. Don’t put limitations on your manifestations. Take some time to be clear about what you want and Think It, Feel It, Believe It! Let go of any doubts, negativity and fears and allow your deepest desires to begin manifesting.

3. Raise your vibration– It shouldn’t be a surprise that the better mood you are in the more you will be able to attract positive things into your life. You can naturally raise your vibrations from exercising, meditation, earthing and eating healthy foods. Surrounding yourself around positive people, listening to upbeat music and watching funny movies or TV shows are other ways to raise vibrations. Affirmations and positive saying are a great way to help change the mindset from negative to positive. Simple statements such as “I am grateful” or “I am open to accepting abundance” are great ways to stimulate positivity.

4. Be patient– Also trust that the Universe has a much better plan than you do. Though you are clear about what you want, you cannot control the timing or the form in which it comes. Stay calm, relax, and trust that the Universe has your back! Keep your eyes open and be accepting to opportunities that come your way. Many times you may notice that better opportunities arise meaning that something greater has been given to us.

Manifest with Me!

There are many different manifesting programs and books out there that can help to retrain the brain to think positively and manifest in ways you never believed possible.Here are some books I am currently reading as I begin to delve deeper into my manifestation journey! They can be found online at Amazon here and here. I also found a new program I am excited to start. I like the fact that it offers money back guarantee if you are unsatisfied.You can find the program here.

Do you Manifest? We would love for you to share your stories!






























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Victoria is a widow, mother, author, and wellness ambassador with a vision to create a brighter tomorrow, today. Harnessing her extensive background in yoga and education in Aromatherapy, Mindful Nutrition, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and an array of other health modalities, she has made it her purpose to educate other families on the importance of healthy living as well as mind, body, and soul balance.