Did you know…..
That our skin is a reflection of our health and wellbeing? It’s true, Our face is a map of our internal organs and how they are doing. This post will share with you what our skin is trying to tell us about our health and how you can improve skin naturally.
What is your skin trying to tell you?
Our face is a mirror of our health. For example, our nose represents our heart, our cheeks our lungs, the lines running down from the nose to the lips represents the colon and the chin is the reproductive system. Chinese and Ayurvedic traditional medicine has been studying this type of diagnosis for thousands of years and believe that the health and wellbeing, emotional tendencies and longevity are all revealed in our face. One of the core beliefs in Chinese medicine is that “the part contains the whole”. This means that every line and spot, scar, wrinkle or blemish means something. They do not appear on your face at random; rather the location they appear corresponds to an energy meridian that connects your face and body with your internal organs.
How Gut Health Correlates to Our Skin
Many people are unaware of the fact that skin conditions are a result of poor gut health. Leaky gut is when the intestines begin to deteriorate and become permeable leaking toxins into the system. This is typically caused by poor diet and chronic use of antibiotics or other pharmaceuticals. Poor gut flora causes many digestive problems such as constipation, IBS, frequent diarrhea, candida, Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis just to name a few. Recent Epidemiological evidence shows an association between gut problems and skin disorders. A common theme in those suffering with digestive is acne and inflammation in the body. It is possible to clear acne naturally and other skin conditions with these natural tips.
How to Improve Skin Naturally
Eating organic, local and seasonal foods is important to provide our bodies with the most nutrients. Stay away from processed foods and artificial preservatives, sugars and artificial sugars. Incorporating Fermented foods into the diet is essential for getting natural probiotics restoring gut health and helping the body to absorb vitamins and minerals. There are also many recipes available online such as this Heal your gut smoothie! There are many types of diet such as paleo and GAPS Diet (that is also safe for kids) that can help to heal the body and provide vital nutrients and minerals.
Stay Hydrated
Make sure to drink lots of fresh filtered water daily. You can squeeze some organic lemon in their too to detoxify the liver. Reduce Alcohol intake Drink water to keep your skin hydrated. Alcoholic beverages and drinks that contain caffeine cause dehydration so it is best to avoid them as much as possible. Avoid taking hot baths or showers because hot water can also dry out your skin.
Bone Broth
Bone broth is also called stock. It’s not the same as you get at the store in a can or a box. It is homemade from animal bones, typically chicken and beef, but can be any animal. It’s high in gelatin and minerals and enzymes needed by the body in order to function properly. It is great at helping to fill in the gaps of the intestines to make them less permeable. As an alternate option you can also take powdered Gelatin that is also beneficial for the body especially the skin, joints and bones. This is the one that is use and I love it because it has no flavor and I add it to tea, yogurt, or water kefir and can get a good amount into my family daily since they are not big fans of drinking straight bone broth. It is cold water soluble so it completely dissolves in cold and hot substances.
Eliminate Chemicals and Toxins
Obviously it is impossible to eliminate every toxins encountered and the stress of trying to is worse on the body. Instead taking small steps to reduce exposure by eliminated products that can be harmful to our skin. Many commercial and store bought beauty products (even high end ones!) contain chemicals that can deteriorate and destroy our skin while leeching toxins in through our biggest organ, the skin. Oil cleansing is a great way to balance skin and how I have been washing my face daily for over a year now. I love it and my skin is softer and better than ever before. Essential Oils such as Frankincense, Melaleuca Alternafolia, Lavender and Sandalwood can also support healthy skin either applying topically or as easy DIY products such as antioxidant facial serum, homemade lotion or skin brightening facial mask. Click Here to learn where to get Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils.
With natural efforts it is possible to improve skin health and eliminate painful, uncomfortable skin conditions. Taking time to detox and heal your body is necessary. An elimination detox is helpful because it can determine trigger foods that may be causing allergic reactions, such as skin issues. My friend Kristen over at MIX Wellness Solutions has a Real Food Detox that helped me determine that I have sensitivities to gluten and dairy. I would recommend this program to detoxify and determine foods that can be causing reactions. It’s the perfect first step in healing the body.
Have you tried to improve your skin naturally? I would love for you to share your stories!