A Toxin Filled Life
Did you know that the average woman applies roughly 300 toxic chemicals to her body EVERY DAY. Those chemicals are known hormone disrupters and may even trigger headaches from the fumes and respiratory issues– (to mention a few of the issues.) These chemicals are lurking in every day products such as laundry soap, dish soap, makeup, and perfume. The American Cancer Association says that only 5-10% of cancers are caused by genetics, which means that 90-95% are caused by environmental factors, AKA what we put on and in our bodies! These scary statistics are just some of the reasons why I switched to chemical free living!
My personal story
Back in my young, single days, I was that girl who LOVED that store in the mall with all the smelly good everything! I would shop at least monthly indulging in scented goodies like candles, body sprays, lotions, body wash – you name it! Me, my house and my car always smelled like a cinnamon apple, cucumber melon, or lime coconut explosion of fragrance. I LOVED it!
So I’ll just cut to the chase, I’d be lying if I didn’t say the junk in our environment, our food, household products, skin and body care didn’t creep me the heck out! And in case you’re wondering how this former Scented Candle lovin, Pumpkin Spice Errrrthing, scented lotion queen got so “Crunchy”… here it is! I became a bit crazy and research driven following some miscarriages I had experienced when we began to try to start a family. It really opened my eyes to how many toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis and how they disrupt our endocrine system.
Here’s where the switch flipped….
I got to work researching and figuring out ways to “clean things up.” I’m not telling you to scare you or be “that chick.” I genuinely care and desire the best and HEALTHIEST life for all of you. I encourage you to download the “Think Dirty” App and begin scanning things around your home. (Beware…it’s SUPER enlightening ;))
I suffered 3 miscarriages as we were trying to grow our family. The more I began to research how this could have happened and found lots of information on the harmful benefits of fragrance and scented products such as endocrine disruption, respiratory problems, skin irritations and even cancer and auto-immune disorders. It was frightening because I had been under the assumption that because it was for sale that it was safe. Boy was I wrong. These companies were allowed to use ingredients that were harmful to the consumers. What is worse is that these companies made products without many of those harmful ingredients for other countries, but used those harmful chemicals in products in the United States. It was maddening! That was when I made the decision to vote with my dollars and buy products and support companies that cared about the consumers and the environment. Fast forward to today when I make healthy living a priority to keep my family the happiest and happiest we can be!
Why you should make the change to a toxin free lifestyle
PLEASE whatever you do, don’t be the girl that applies roughly 300 toxic chemicals to her body EVERY DAY. Those chemicals are known hormone disrupters and may even trigger headaches from the fumes and respiratory issues– (to mention a few.) I love you too much, so please do your due diligence, research AND come join us! I’m telling you this whole clean living thing is pretty AWESOME, because “every oil you use is a chemical you’re NOT using!”
You can also click here to sign up for my free Essential Oils E-Class for free where I will show you the easiest way to give those chemicals the boot!
Or you can watch my short video here about some of my favorite products and their benefits!
Why Young Living
After much research I decided that Young Living was the best choice for my family because of their strong values and ethics, and how their products are made for a purpose, not a profit. The more I became passionate about healthy living the more I educated myself with certifications, courses, workshops, seminars and learned the benefits of essential oils physically, emotionally and spiritually and it became a lifestyle change for us! You can learn more about the nitty gritty of why I chose them by clicking here.
Basically, long story short – The Seed to Seal process made all the difference in my choice. What does that mean to you?
It means that Young Living essential oils are not diluted with chemical and synthetic additives and are carefully prepared to maintain plant integrity. This commitment to purity makes Young Living’s essential oils the world’s premium essential oil line. As the only company who owns their own farms around the world, and the pioneers in the essential oil industry they are committed to:
- PRISTINE LAND Untilled land far from pollution of urban centers.
- VIRGIN SOIL Fortified soi1 with organic biosolids, enzymes and minerals.
SELECT SEEDS + CAREFUL PLANTING Non-genetically modified (GMO) herb vane ties are nurtured in Young Living’s greenhouse. Once they reach a height of 2″‘ the plants are moved to a “hardening house” so they can better adjust to the outdoor climate, which increases their chance of survival. - ORGANIC WEED + PEST CONTROL No synthetic chemicals, herbicides, or fungicides are used. Instead, Young Living relies on Mother Nature to control insects and a natural blend of essential oils, including pine and cinnamon, for weed control.
- MOUNTAIN WATER IRRIGATION All crops are irrigated using pure mountain water generated from snow melt. Water is rich with minerals that provide essential
nutrients to maximize Grit-growth. - PRECISION HARVESTING Fields are harvested at the correct time of year and even the proper time of day to optimize oil quality. The percentage of the plant in bloom, the amount of dew on the leaves, and even the amount of rainfall immediately before the harvest can have a direct impact on oil quality.
How to get started living a non-toxic lifestyle
Getting started on a budget is easy and so cost effective. I wanted to make sure I got the most bang for my buck and ordered the Premium Starter Kit! What this means is that I got $400 worth of products for only $165 along with a 24% discount for life, and the option to share with others and receive a thank you check! This is what I recommend to people who are looking to get the most for their money. There is no obligation to buy or sell, but you have the option to get discounted products on future orders when you are ready to refill or try something new. And if you are looking to make some supplemental income you have that opportunity with all the support and zero of the pressure!
Ready to get started?
Here are the best ways to get started towards healthier living. I made the same choice 4 years ago and I can honestly say it was one of the best ones to date! My family is living healthier and happier than ever before, without breaking the bank!
Choose between one of these kits to get started:
Essential Oils PSK – Click here to order
This Starter Kit Includes:
- Desert Mist™ Diffuser
- Premium Essential Oils Collection;
- Lavender 5-ml
- Peppermint Vitality™ 5-ml
- Lemon Vitality™ 5-ml
- Citrus Fresh Vitality™ 5-ml
- Frankincense 5-ml
- Thieves® Vitality™ 5-ml
- Raven™ 5-ml
- DiGize™ Vitality™ 5-ml
- PanAway® 5-ml
- Valor® 5-ml
- Peace & Calming® 5-ml
- Stress Away™ 5-ml
- AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
- Thieves Household Cleaner 1-oz. sample
- 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
- 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
- 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
- Product Guide and Product Price List
- Essential Oils Magazine
- Essential Edge News
- Member Resources
Thieves Kit – Click here to order
This Starter Kit Includes:
Thieves 15-ml
- Thieves AromaBright™ Toothpaste
- Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash
- 2 Thieves Cleaner
- 2 Thieves Foaming Hand Soap
- 2 Thieves Spray
- 2 Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier
- Stress Away™ 5-ml
- AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
- Thieves Household Cleaner 1-oz. sample
- 10 Sample Packets
- 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
- 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
- 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
- Product Guide and Product Price List
- Essential Oil Magazine
- Essential Edge
- Member Resources
Ningxia Kit – Click here to order
This Starter Kit Includes:
- NingXia Red 2-pack
- 30 NingXia Red Singles (2 fl. oz. ea.)
- NingXia Nitro
- Stress Away™ 5-ml
- AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
- Thieves Household Cleaner 1-oz. sample
- 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
- 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
- 2 NingXia Red 2-oz. samples
- Product Guide and Product Price List
- Essential Oil Magazine
- Essential Edge
- Member Resources
Savvy Makeup Kit – Click here to order
This Starter Kit Includes:
- 1 Foundation
- 1 Blush
- 3 Eyeshadows
- 1 Lip Gloss
- Misting Spray
- Foundation Brush
- 5-ml Lavender essential oil
- Savvy Minerals by Young Living Booklet
- Introduction to Young Living Booklet
What if you don’t want to get started with a kit?
Want to take baby steps?
No pressure at all! There are other ways to get started toward non-toxic living. Here are some other options that might better fit your needs!
Zero Commitment – Setup a retail and get started ordering a la carte choosing what you need most and tailored to your budget. You create an account to order online at your whim! You pay the retail price and have no commitment to anything. Click here and choose the retail option.
Better option – Purchase the $55 dollar membership fee, which is similar to Costco or Sam’s Club and the members (which is waived when you order the kit) and get a bottle of Stress Away along with the 24% discount on all products (oils, supplements, personal care, etc.) You can order any oils or products outside of the kit whenever you choose and save money on the retail prices. Click here and choose the basic kit.
The best, most cost effective option – Choose one of the kits mentioned above and get amazing products retailed over $300 for only $160! This includes the 24% discount, the option to receive a thank you check or commission on sharing with others and you can have access to the monthly wellness program, free products and access to a HUGE essential oil community to learn from! Click here to choose a Premium Starter Kit!
Wellness is a Lifestyle!
Are you ready to make the commitment to healthy living! Customize your wellness box monthly based on your needs and your budget and get lots of freebies in return! You can choose from non-toxic baby products, Makeup, Pet products, Essential Oils, Personal Care products, plant-based cleaning products, healthy food, etc. The only requirement is that you must spend at least $50 each month. Luckily, there is so much more to Young Living than just oils. The Essential Rewards program is the easiest way to ensure that we are getting the best toxin-free products at the best price! Here is more about the monthly wellness package benefits!
Essential Rewards Benefits:
- 10-25% back on my product
- Discounted shipping on all orders
- Exclusive promotions
- Free Products
- Subscription options for free shipping (Similar to Amazon Prime!)
- Cancel at anytime
I love the Essential Rewards Monthly Wellness Subscription because I can get all healthy, non-toxic products like toothpaste, dish soap, laundry soap, multi-purpose cleaner, makeup, kids and adult personal products, supplements, etc. I can change the date the box ships and its contents each month! And the cash back I get on the orders can be used to get more free products. It’s the best way to live healthy on a budget! For me, it’s a Mommy lifesaver because I have access to non-toxic, products safe for my family and the environment without breaking the bank! You can get started with this program at any time so if you aren’t ready right away, don’t sweat it! You can start up whenever you are ready to make the switch to better products!
Live Happier & Heathier Sign-up for my newsletter and get tips, recipes and other wellness information on how to live a healthier and happier lifestyle! I promise to never SPAM you or sell your contact information!