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2018-09-12 7:47 AM - 7:47 AM
8262 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92111, USA
Address: 8262 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92111, USA

Join us for a Healthy Hopi Hour with yummy beer, appetizers, Bingo and information on how to keep yourself healthy and happy this fall with natural immune boosting tips! We will be offering raffle prizes with many chances to win!

- Get a raffle ticket for attending
- Get two bonus raffle ticket for RSVPing by September 22nd
- Get three bonus raffle tickets for bringing a friend!

Email to RSVP

Victoria is a widow, mother, author, and wellness ambassador with a vision to create a brighter tomorrow, today. Harnessing her extensive background in yoga and education in Aromatherapy, Mindful Nutrition, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and an array of other health modalities, she has made it her purpose to educate other families on the importance of healthy living as well as mind, body, and soul balance.