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2017-04-15 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
8181 Mira Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92126, USA
Address: 8181 Mira Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92126, USA


Join us for a baby yoga workshop. In this workshop you will learn techniques to bond with your baby and help them grow healthy and strong. Baby Yoga promotes more and better sleep and has many physiological and developmental benefits. Postures are used to stimulate the brain to encourage coordination and development as well as support the baby’s bodily systems, including the digestive and nervous systems. This class is designed for babies age 6 weeks to walking. Bring a blanket, visual aid toy and dress comfortably. Cost is $7 Email to reserve your spot!

Victoria is a widow, mother, author, and wellness ambassador with a vision to create a brighter tomorrow, today. Harnessing her extensive background in yoga and education in Aromatherapy, Mindful Nutrition, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and an array of other health modalities, she has made it her purpose to educate other families on the importance of healthy living as well as mind, body, and soul balance.