We can’t turn back the clock of time and unfortunately growing older is inevitable. With that being said there are some ways to to take a nourishing, natural approach to aging that can help enhance the vitality of our skin. My favorite is a simple and effective 4 ingredient skin brightening facial mask that my husband and I do twice a week. It is awesome and makes your skin look and feel fabulous! It works great as an acne treatment, reduce facial swelling and to rebuild damaged tissue. Below is my recipe for an 4 ingredient skin brightening facial mask that is sure to leave your skin feeling new and fresh!
The Benefits of Skin Brightening Facial Mask
Bentonite clay is an ancient healing clay used by cultures throughout history for their ability to rid the body of toxins. Bentonite clay helps to get oxygen to cells by removing excess hydrogen and allowing it to be replaced by oxygen. It has been used for years for both internal and external detoxification and for its medicinal properties. It is a staple in my house and a medicine cabinet must have which you can read here. We use it almost daily for various reasons, in a bath, in a remineralizing toothpaste, to reduce scarring, and of course facials. (Where to buy)
Frankincense is known for its skin brightening benefits because it promotes regeneration of healthy cells. It can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sun spots and tone and tighten skin. Learn where to buy therapeutic grade essential oils here.
Lavender is very calming and soothing and beneficial in acne treatments as it helps to balance the secretion of oils that can cause infections in the pores. Lavender also helps to reduce scarring and healing any irritations. Order lavender oil here.
Apple cider vinegar works great to mix with bentonite to help it get is clay like consistency. Make sure its a good apple cider vinegar that is organic and unfiltered to provide the most benefits. The vinegar helps to pH balance the skin, reduce red spots and blemishes and helps to make skin soft. Where to buy Apple Cider Vinegar.
4 Ingredient Skin Brightening Facial Mask
- Bentonite Clay (where to buy)
- Apple Cider Vinegar (where to buy)
- 2 drops of Frankincense
- 2 drops of Lavender
Mix together in a non-metal bowl using fingers. Once mixed into a clay like substance spread on face and neck, (avoid eye area) and also apply to scars or dark spots. Let it dry about 20-30 minutes. Once dried you can wash off the mask. The face may be red and slightly pulsating from the detoxifying effects of the clay, but it should subside within the hour.
This powerful 4 ingredient skin brightening facial mask is great for anyone of any age to help heal and treat problem skin. It can be done a couple times a week to promote healthy, glowing skin.
Do you use facial masks regularly? What is your favorite?