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How to stop snoring naturally

Snoring can be a real pain! Did you know that 45% of adults snore occasionally? This usually means the spouse or partners of those who snore aren’t getting a good nights sleep. Snoring is caused by air trying to get through a restricted breathing passages. It can be a nuisance and also a sign of health problems.

What if I told you there were natural ways to stop snoring? It’s true, I know many people who have had success, including myself! I snored during both pregnancies which I read can be from the weight of the baby on the lungs and diaphragm. The snoring continued after the birth of my son and some nights my husband would have to wake me up to try to stop me or resort to the couch. I wasn’t the only one at fault either, he was an occasional loud snorer as well. We were recently talking about how its been a snore free couple of months and how much better we both have been sleeping better at night! This article will share with you how to stop snoring naturally.

How to Stop Snoring Naturally

1. Change sleep positions- Lying on your back makes the base of the tongue and soft palate collapse into the back wall of your throat which causes a vibrating sound when breathing during sleep. Lying on the side instead of on back can help to prevent this. An inclined position is also helpful to reduce snoring naturally.

2. Avoid Alcohol and Dairy- Both alcohol and dairy can encourage snoring. Alcohol relaxes the muscles in the back of the throat and can make snoring worse. People who don’t normally snore will snore after drinking. Dairy can create mucus build-up which can restrict airways. Eliminating these from the diet can help stop snoring.

3. Lose Weight- If you have gained weight and started snoring since loosing weight can help. Extra weight can put pressure on the the organs and muscles around the throat and can trigger snoring, but weight is not always an issue as thin people can suffer from snoring too.

4. Stay Hydrated- When we are dehydrated secretions in our nasal passages can become sticker and cause snoring. Making sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day is another way to help reduce the changes of snoring.

5. Support the body systems – Essential oils act as adaptogens, meaning their plant intelligence knows how to support each bodies unique needs, and are a great way to support the body systems naturally. They help when it comes to respiratory support, stress release and relaxation and can be very beneficial in helping to breathe clearer while sleeping. For therapeutic results it’s best to use high quality oils that have been tested to have the highest purity. Lower grade oils can be adulterated with solvents and other bi-products that can have a negative affect. Here are the oils I recommend.

How to stop snoring naturally

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Victoria is a widow, mother, author, and wellness ambassador with a vision to create a brighter tomorrow, today. Harnessing her extensive background in yoga and education in Aromatherapy, Mindful Nutrition, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and an array of other health modalities, she has made it her purpose to educate other families on the importance of healthy living as well as mind, body, and soul balance.